Headache Treatment
Headache Treatment: Almost everyone gets a headache at one time or another. The most common causes of headache include allergies, eyestrain, stress, tension, hunger and exposure to irritants such as perfume. Solve your problem with this treatment.
Essential Oils Blend for Headache Treatment:
Lavender, Peppermint, Jasmine, Eucalyptus
Suggestions for Use:
* Combine the essential oil with a carrier oil and massage around the temples, neck and shoulders
* Add a few drops of headache treating essential oil to a handkerchief and inhale
* Use a few drops of essential oil applied to a cold compress
* Add ten drops of essential oil to the bath
Do not use massage if the person is suffering from a migraine headache.
If headaches are persistent, frequent and long lasting, consult your physician.
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